Review of FMI Insurance

The primary service that FMI Insurance provide is income protection. Their polices normally begin with a temporary income protection because a temporary disability or sickness is a more likely event.

It is FMI Insurance's belief that more than 70% of their policy holders with suffer at least one occurrence when they will require a payment to cover for the loss of their earning. The company also states that the large majority of their clients will be absent from work for at least 90 days.

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FMI Insurance Contact Details

Postal Address

Postnet Suite 91

Private Bag X01

Umhlanga Rocks, 4320
Street Address

301 Beacon Rock

Lighthouse Road

Umhlanga, 4320
Other contacts

Financial Adviser Distribution

Tel: 0860 10 52 08

Fax: 0861 10 58 20


Client Care

Tel: 0860 10 11 19

Fax: (031) 502 5250


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