Review of Regent Insurance |
Regent Insurance is a company that offers a variety of products and polices for clients throughout South Africa. The company's motto is to offer simple, customized, quality insurance products that give their customers the opportunity to live their lives to the fullest while they take care of insurance needs. Regent provides a selection of insurance policies such as motor insurance, life assurance and travel insurance. They also offer products for commercial vehicle companies. Regent Insurance is an integral part of the Imperial Group – a multi-national mobility group with activities that include motor vehicles and related operations across all modes of transport for people and freight, both in South Africa and abroad. To learn more click HERE
Regent Insurance Contact DetailsREGENT INSURANCE (GENERAL): 0860 734 368 / 0860 543 346 COMPLIMENTS & COMPLAINTS: 0861 268 378 SALES (CAR, HOME, TRAVEL, WARRANTIES): 0861 900 801 ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE (CARELINE): 0800 00 48 48 |
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