Review of Regent Life |
Regent Life is an integral part of the Regent Insurance company. Their life insurance products offers a selection of options such as funeral cover, income protection cover and insurances for disability after an accident or serious illness. Regent's long-term insurance policy includes products for savings, education and protection against debt. The company claims their life insurance caters for a wide range of customer needs and will suit individuals as well as businesses. Regent can develop relevant solutions at the most affordable rates. The company is one of the market leaders in providing life insurance in South Africa. Regent is also a leading player in Credit Life (debt protection) and is recognised as one of the fastest growing and most innovative companies in the life insurance domain. To learn more click HERE
Regent Life Contact DetailsREGENT INSURANCE (GENERAL): 0860 734 368 / 0860 543 346 COMPLIMENTS & COMPLAINTS: 0861 268 378 SALES (CAR, HOME, TRAVEL, WARRANTIES): 0861 900 801 ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE (CARELINE): 0800 00 48 48 |
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